On the occasion of 25 N, the International Day for the Eradication of Gender-based Violence, we are promoting a campaign with three actions focused on preventing, raising awareness and providing tools on digital gender-based violence.

25N ICT Point
25N ICT Point.

TRICs are social tools that can become tools of harassment and control to exercise sexist violence, mainly towards women and other sexual and gender identities. In the framework of 25 N, the International Day for the Eradication of Gender-Based Violence, we promote the campaign #ÉsViolènciaOnline to make digital gender-based violence visible, as well as identify which are the legal tools and resources to deal with it.

Three actions to combat cyberviolence

This year the campaign is based on three actions: a self- training course at the Campuslab aimed at facilitators and entities managing ICT Points; an online questionnaire aimed at the general public, especially ICT Point users and a virtual meeting for members of the network.

Inthe self-training course 'Feminist digital self-defense' , key concepts and useful tools will be worked on to develop actions to promote feminist digital self-defense, both individual and collective, as well as providing the participants with tools so that they can design and implement activities related to the promotion of feminist digital self-defense at its ICT Point. The training will be carried out asynchronously through the Campuslab of the ICT Network. It will be available on Friday 11/11 .

The online questionnaire will be used to analyze the prevalence of different forms of sexist cyber-violence in order to obtain valuable information that allows visibility of the extent of the forms of digital violence faced by women, non-binary people and men in the world on the internet. It received the participation of 211 people in 2021. We will make it public through the web and our Twitter and Instagram social channels on Friday 11/25 under the hashtag #ÉsViolènciaOnline . We will make the results public during the virtual meeting.

At the virtual meeting we will analyze different types of sexist digital cyberviolence, show available resources and map organizations that are dedicated to the subject. It will be on Thursday 1/12 at 10 a.m. and is aimed at facilitators and members of network management organizations. The registration form will be available soon.