The aim of this study ICT and youth. Reflections and challenges for the educational work, published by the Catalan Youth Observatory and prepared by three university professors, is targeting young professionals, educators and other persons who carry out activities in the field of youth. Notes that these actors are involved and have more influence in adolescence and youth so that they are free of the institutional dimension of family and school and offers a Decalogue to guide them on how to address the use of ICT with young people.
The publication was launched on 6 October at a conference held in Torre Barrina, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. Xarxa Punt TIC was present, with the participation of Ricard Faura, from the Directorate General of Digital Society, and Nuria Alonso, from the Technical Office of Punt TIC network and responsible community grows code and Robots.
The Directorate General of Youth shared on the Internet all the materials of the conference, including the presentation of Ricard Faura and Nuria Alonso. You can also check Storify with the tweets of the day and the videos of the presentations.
You can view all materials on this link.