Eleven Barcelona schools are participating in a pilot project to test the new DD (Democratic Digitization) educational suite. Specifically, it is the Escola Baixeras, Escola Montseny, Escola Els Xiprers, Escola Heura, Escola Patronat Domènech, Escola Vila Olímpica, Institut Caterina Albert, Institut FP Narcís Monturiol, the Maria Espinalt Institute, the Pedralbes Institute and the CFA El Clot. In this sense, the involvement of the eleven Barcelona schools has made it possible to test the correct operation of the new DD (Democratic Digitization) educational suite in real environments of Catalan educational communities.
So, it is a pioneering digitization project for Barcelona's educational centers that seeks to offer an open source alternative to the instruments majority owned by the big technological giants. The aim of the new educational suite DD (Democratic Digitization) is to promote a digitization of Barcelona's educational centers that respects data sovereignty and the digital rights of students, teachers and families. In this sense, the new educational suite DD (Democratic Digitization) is part of the Educational Centers Democratic Digitization Plan, designed and led by Xnet and a group of promoting families, and which has the collaboration of the Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Education Consortium and the Federated Associations of Student Families of Catalonia.