Robot. Font:

The Generalitat of Catalonia presented on October 14 the program, which seeks to improve the digital skills of young people and promote the growth of technological vocations. It does so through extracurricular activities of coding and robotics.

The ICT sector in Catalonia, and throughout Europe, has a serious shortage of professionals. Therefore the Government of Catalonia has proposed to promote careers in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and for not losing the opportunity to fill more than 50% of the 1.5 million new jobs that will be created in Europe by 2020 in this sector. is structured around four areas:

  • Creating a catalog and a schedule of extracurricular activities in robotics and programming.
  • Defining training programs and certification of monitors in robotics and programming, in collaboration with Citilab Cornellà.
  • Talks and workshops for associations of families of students and teachers, in collaboration with the FAPAC.
  • Promotion and dissemination of competitions and awards in the field of programming and robotics.

If you want to be as a monitor on programming and robotics you can contact formacio [at] and if you want to organize a talk at your center you can write to xerrades [at] is an initiative of the Ministry of Telecommunications, Cybersecurity and Digital Society Department of the Presidency in collaboration with the Ministry of Education Policy of the Department of Education.

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