The day is free and open mainly to women in the field of technology and also men interested in the subject.
It will take place on Juny 21 from 17-21h . in the Old Factory Estrella Damn where experts and experts from different outstanding startups: Wallapop, Holaluz, Badi, Red Points, Signaturit, Adsmurai, Cooltra and Glovo will present their "tech" and digital keys , business models and talent needs.
Each of the participating companies will give a masterclass and there will be a space for the exchange of needs and professional opportunities for the people attending.
During the first edition , more than 300 women from different technological and digital profiles participated as full stack, web / front-end, back-end or mobile developers; data scientists, product managers, UX / UI, social media managers, digital marketing profiles, etc.
5:00 p.m. Welcome to Bstartup and AllWomen. First round of interesting startups that share their technological secrets and look for women in technology
- 17:05 - Glovo: The evolution of payments to Glovo - Sergey Shavrin, head of the technical team
- 17: 30h - Wallapop: change the rules of the game: how to enrich gender diversity in our team - Rocío Ortega, Android developer
- 17: 55h - Adsmurai: Important goals - Fátima Rodriguez, product manager
- 18: 20h - Holaluz: leading the energy to Agile - Co-founder and CEO of Carlota Pi and Javier Alloza, CTO
18: 45h. Second round of most interesting startups that share their technological secrets and look for women in technology
- 19:05 - Signed: An unexpected trip: how I recovered the passion for coding in Signaturit - Laura Escobar, developer of Back End and Karla Palma, responsible for People & Culture
- 19: 30h - Red Points: Image Recognition, a powerful tool for online brand protection - Danae Vara Borrell, Vice President of Product
- 19: 55h - Badi: from business objectives to development requirements - Elena González, owner of the product
- 20: 20h - Cooltra: Changing an APP in 1 night - Natalia Gabirondo - IT Manager
20: 45h. Close