Cartell de la jornada
Cartell de la jornada. Author: netcommons. 2016. Font: Workshop on community networking infraestructures. License: BY-SA.

The relationship between these three key actors for the construction and management of any common infrastructure will be discussed, with the intention to strengthen the links between them with a look especially focused on the development of community networks. governance strategies related to the implementation level of development and operation will be discussed, with special emphasis on the optical fiber, which is the key technology to ensure the coverage and penetration objectives established by the European Digital Agenda.

The day raises two fundamental objectives: increase knowledge of such partnerships and identify concrete lines to make them more efficient onward action.
The agenda of the meeting is as follows

9: 45-10: 00 Welcome. Barcelona City Council, Jordi Via Lobo, Commissioner of Cooperative Economics, Social and Solidarity

What are common, because the common need governance, best practices, case guifi · net
Moderator: Maria Michalis, Westminster University -

10: 00-10: 15 Introduction to the commons. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Leandro Navarro Moldes, Associate Professor
10: 15 half past ten Generalitat of Catalonia, Secretariat for Governance of information and communications technology, and David Ferrer Canosa, General Project Coordinator
Ten-thirty-10: 45 Consortium of Environment and Public Health Garrotxa (SIGMA), Francisco Canalias and Farrés, Director
10: 45-11 am Foundation, Roger Baig Viñas, Projects
11: 00-11: 30 Open Discussion
11: 30-12: 00 Coffee Break

block LEGAL
Integration of commons into the regulation and legislation framework, infrastructure sharing, cost reduction European Directive (Directive 2014/61 / EU). Moderator: Melanie Dulong de Rosnay, CNRS -

12: 00-12: 15. National Commission Markets and Competition, Maria Lopez Carracelas, Head of the International (headquarters Barcelona) of the Telecommunications and Audiovisual Services
12: 15-12: 30 Consortium Localret, Olga Diaz, Head of Legal Department
12: 30-12: 45 City of Barcelona, ​​Sandra Abad, lawyer of the Legal Services City
12: 45-13: 00 Foundation, Ramon Roca and Tió, President
13: 00-13: 30 Open Discussion

Challenges in implementing it. Moderator: Leonardo Maccari, University of Trento -

15: 00-15: 15 Overview. University of Delft, Wolter Lemstra, Senior Research Fellow, Broadband Markets in Europe
15: 15-15: 30 Financing. European Commission, Fabio Nasarre, DG Connect; Laure Blanchard-Brunac, Seconded National Expert
15: 30-15: 45 City of Barcelona, ​​Municipal Institute of Informatics, Francisco Rodriguez Jimenez, Manager
15: 45-16: 00 Foundation, Lluís Dalmau and Junyent, Secretary
16: 00-16: 30 Open Discussion
16: 30-17: 00 Closing. Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Activa, Alvaro Porro, Director Other Economies and Proximity

Participation in the conference, held at the Technology Park of Nou Barris (Marie Curie, 8-14 08042 Barcelona) is free and registration can be made ​​through this form .