It is expected that between 400 and 500 people, including coworkers, managers coworking spaces and representatives of the government, participate in the 2016 edition of the Coworking Europe Conference. The meeting, organized by the City of Brussels and will analyze the impact of coworking phenomenon in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation and the future of workspaces.
The 2016 edition aims to openly address all issues related to the coworking model. The conference will also be an exceptional opportunity to share best practices and connect, why not build and collaborate on interesting new projects. You can check the program of the day and buy your tickets in advance.
In early 2015, there were more than 2,800 coworking spaces in operation in Europe. In less than five years, the total number of coworking spaces are exceeded total incubators and innovation centers operating in Europe. In addition, the number of coworking spaces worldwide almost doubled each year, reaching close to 8,500 worldwide.