Jornada #èTIC 2015
Jornada #èTIC 2015. Author: Oficina Tècnica de la Xarxa PuntTIC. 2015. Font: Jornada #èTIC 2015. License: BY-NC-SA.

Any technology continues logics and responds to requests that do not necessarily prioritize ethical criteria. The final consequences of these new technologies could be contrary to the welfare and improvement of the quality of life of people. Internet, in this sense, was no exception and is in a continuous evolution. Reflection and analysis can not always go hand in hand with this speed and is therefore necessary to share spaces that allow us to know whether the benefits of these advances outweigh the potential negative impacts they produce. The #èTIC Day will focus on all these consequences.

It be a meeting to hear different references on the subject and to discuss the evolving who are living ethically and technology. If you want to attend to this meeting you can register following this link.


17.15h Reception of participants

17.30h Welcome

By the Secretary of Telecommunications, Cybersecurity and Digital Society of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Jordi Puigneró.

17.40h The transformation of cities in the digital era

By Ms. Susana Finquelievich (@sfinquel) architect sociologist and analyst of the social impact of ICTs, author of "I-Polis, cities in the Internet era".

18.40h Digital transformation and ethics: alliance or utopia?

Mr. Genis Roca (@genisroca) socio-president Rock Salvatella expert in digital transformation.

Mr. Artur Serra (@arturserra), deputy director of the i2CAT and research director of Citilab in Cornellà de Llobregat.

Moderator Mr. Ricard Faura (@ricardfaura), Head of Service and Training Digital Inclusion of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

19.30h Refreshments

Organized by the General Direction of Digital Society, the Ministry of Telecommunications, Cybersecurity and Digital Society of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

To whet your appetite, we invite you to relive the #èTIC2015!