VIII Committed Citizenship Awards
VIII Committed Citizenship Awards. Author: Fundación Esplai. 2017. License: All rights reserved.

The Fundación Esplai convenes VIII Committed Citizenship Awards. To recognize the work of people with an exemplary trajectory i denfese of of social causes, "being inspiring and motivating to other people and organizations."

The awards are divided into three categories:

  • Boosting the Third Sector
  • Social and educationa action
  • Working for e-inclusion

Can be candidates individuals residing in Spain. Nominations can be submitted by individuals or non-profit organitzations, but not the own candidates. To do so, they must complete this file and send it to the address ealiaga [at] before 15 September 2017.

In all three categories the awards will be a diploma and a commemorative sculpture. The awards ceremony will be held at the Casa del Lector, Madrid, November 19, under the Foro17.