3a Trobada de Créixer amb Robots
3a Trobada de Créixer amb Robots. Author: Oficina Tècnica de la Xarxa Punt TIC. 2016. License: BY-NC-SA.

The aim of the Créixer amb Robots community is to explore all the possibilities that offers educational robotics. It is formed by Punt TIC facilitators.

On March 24 they will meet i Viladecans, in the Resource Centre for Youth Can Xic: Parc de Can Xic, 1.

The program of the event is as follows:

  • 9:30 to 10:00: Receptionof facilitators
  • 10:00 to 10:15: Presentation by Mr. Joan Bassolas
  • 10:15 to 11:15: Blender (Part 1)
  • 11:15 to 11:30 Breakfast by the Fundació Ciutat de Viladecans
  • 11:30 to 12:00: Blender (Part 2)
  • 12:00 to 14:30:
    • Virtual reality
    • Graphics Engine: Unity
    • Create your own virtual reality
  • 14:30 to 16:30: Lunch - Restaurant El Groc
  • 16:30 to 19:30: IoTAfternoon. As robots able to link our website and give us real-time results.

You can make registration via the form below:


How was the 3rd meeting of creative robotics?

The 3rd Meeting of Creative Robotics was celebrated in la Fàbrica del Sol, Barcelona. More than a dozen of facilitator participated in this open space of knowledge, learning and sharing experiences. This time the conference was focused on the printing and 2D laser cutters but also joined other tools and innovative projects, such as the use of QR codes or Arduino.

Remember you can follow the news about these meetings in the blog of the projecte and participate in the online community, to continue learning and sharing every day.