2020 has been a year of changes and challenges. From the TIC Point Network, we have faced the situation that we have had to live in order to continue working from digital social innovation and this year, under the slogan 'The role of technology and ICT Points in a pandemic situation' the Social Internet Day 2020 has helped us to work on new challenges and challenges in the network.
Six thematic talks open to digital citizenship
From December 9-18, 245 people have enjoyed thematic talks about different experiences that have taken place in the last year. We have known proposals and solutions to the processes of the digital age with technology companies in the social and cooperative field; maker relationships and synergies; proposals for citizen social mobilization and digital social innovation laboratories or how to continue breaking from the Internet with the digital gender gap.
The opening talk 'How the digital revolution has affected our lives' was a very enriching conversation between Joana Barbany, general director of Sociedad Digital; Liliana Arroyo, doctor in Sociology, researcher at the ESADE Institute of Social Innovation and author of the book 'Tu no eres tú selfie' and Albert Cañigueral, founder of the website Consumocolaborativo.com, connector of the international Ouishere network for Spain and author of the book 'El trabajo ya no es lo que era'. The conference was presented by Anna Inglés, director of the Office of technical revitalization of the Punt TIC Network.
Retrieve the collection of tweets from the session here.
One of the topics that we have worked the most as a Network this year has been the relationship between the maker community, the ICT Points and Covidien-19. On December 10, we have the debate: 'Makers' vs. Covid-19: relationships and synergies. With Daniel Cruz, member of Tangencial SCCL, of the Catalan Coronavirusmaker movement and Dynamizer of the Club Makers Sant Feliu; Aitor Rivera, Councilor for Innovation of the Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council; Lídia Santiago, member of the TIC-Omnia Torrelles Point; Jordi Rodríguez, member of the ICT Point-Omnia Camp Clar and Pau Llauger, member of the Girona Emprèn ICT Point, talked about the needs that have arisen with the pandemic situation and how the maker movements have helped with the health crisis situation.
Retrieve the collection of tweets from the session here.
With the debate: Proposals for citizen social mobilization as part of digital social innovation, on December 11 we talked about emerging digital innovations and practices that have emerged in the last year and that have shown us their potential as spaces for innovation open. We talked to Joan Duran, a technician from the Digital Policy Secretariat, who told us about Hackovid, the Catalan citizen hackathon to deal with confinement; Laia Sánchez, member of Citilab Cornellà and the citizen platform Frena La Curva, which works to channel social energy in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic; Lidia Alonso Gulin, Social and Collaborative Innovation Technician of the Municipal Innovation Program of the Sant Feliu de Llobregat City Council with the Punt TIC Co-Innova Sant Feliu and the Co-Innova Lab project and experiences of facilitators of the Network Punt TIC that realized the course 'Citizen innovation in libraries and other spaces' of the Ministry of Culture and MediaLab Prado.
Retrieve the collection of tweets from the session here.
On December 15, Esther Subias, a member of Colectic and head of the STE(A)M On Edu project, introduced the European Steam education platform for educators working in the field of STE(A)M, as well as the community. of people and the framework of competencies and learning activities so that it can be applied by teachers. If you are interested and want to be a part you can write to steamonedu@colectic.coop.
Retrieve the collection of tweets from the session here.
We delve into the experiences of companies in the cooperative field and how they have approached different processes with open source software. On December 16, we spoke with Enrico Stano, co-founder of Coopdevs, a cooperative company that develops OS solutions to adapt and improve the tools that have been essential today; Joan Caballero, coordinator of Som Connexió, the first telephony and internet cooperative that works for a fair, responsible and supportive consumption of telecommunications and Arnau Vilardell Fradera, coordinator of Som Mobilitat, a non-profit consumer cooperative that offers services and products of sustainable mobility.
Retrieve the collection of tweets from the session here.
The public closing of the JdIS 2020 ended with a conversation about the Digital Citizenship laboratories and the case of CoEbrelab and the Catlab program. They practice a dynamic and participatory methodology, based on the quadruple helix model: companies, public administration, knowledge centers and citizens or users of innovation. We discussed with J.Ignasi Bonet, consultant for the DG of Innovation and Digital Economy and Albert Pujol, member of CoEbreLab Ribera d'Ebre. He presented the debate at Ricard Benítez, technician of digital social innovation projects to the Secretariat for Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia
We closed the day with Ricard Faura, emphasizing that "we need a knowledge society that brings technology closer to people. The facilitators and facilitators Punto TIC knows how to do it and does it. We have to value it and we have to help convert it in resources. "
Retrieve the collection of tweets from the session here.
A stable group of Women and ICT on the Net
On December 14, we were able to continue establishing synergies between women and ICT at the ICT WOmen Encounter: breaking the digital gender gap together. Throughout the year, we have been holding various meetings on DonesTIC and female entrepreneurship where we have been able to share our experiences as energizing people working on this issue to our points.
We had the presence of Esther Subias, a member of the Revitalization Office of the TIC Point Network and ambassador of the Technovation Catalonia program. Mònica Acebo and Txell Granger, from the Department of Digital Policies and the Plan MujerTIC.
As a result of these reflections, in this meeting we have created a stable Group on Women and ICT on the Net. If you want to be part of and retrieve the materials from the session, you can write to us and / or join the Mattermost group on ICT Women. In addition, from the Ofinia de dinamització we have opened a new self-training course for Women ICT at the CampusLAB of Punto TIC, a tool to work on their markers with activities with a gender perspective.
Six specific territorial conferences: news and synergies in the network.
In JdIS 2020 we have also been able to continue working by territories, get to know each other more, create a network and explain the interesting projects that we have been working on this year. In this way, from December 10 to 18, we have held different internal sessions with the ICT Points of the territories of Girona, Central Catalonia, Lleida and Alt Pirineu, Tarragona and Penedès, Tierras del Ebro and Barcelona.
From the Technical Office, we have prepared a welcoming course for persones dinamitzadores (new and old) with the aim of knowing the Network as a whole, knowing what it offers you and what you can contribute. It is also a material that can be used to explain the project to its users. We invite you to do it!
In addition, we present a new free and open software videoconferencing tool, Big Blue Button, which we have implemented on the web and which can surely help you with your activities. Very soon, we will post an explanatory course on CampsLab so you can start using it.