Servei d'Orientació Sociolaboral
Servei d'Orientació Sociolaboral. 2016. License: All rights reserved.

The service accompanies the participants to develop curriculums, enroll in job or other demands. Different schedules have been created in order to provide the service:

  • Punt Omnia Casal Civic: Tuesday 15 to 17 hours, Thursdays from 10 to 11 hours and from 15 to 16 pm, Friday from 18 to 19 hours.
  • Residents Association: Friday from 9 to 13 hours.

The space is open and occupational guidance both individuals and outside the district and it can be used both as the point Omnia local travel agencies in the district. For more information contact by phone 93 872 53 04 or by sending an email to .