There are 2.3 billion Internet users today, and others who come into contact billion shortly. The Mozilla Foundation points out that:
it is very important that everyone knows how to read, write and participate in the digital world. If people experience the Web as critical to their learning, work and social life ... understand their role to make the web more open, accessible resource for everyone. "
The aim is to help share why people become critical consumers, partners and participants on the web.
A Dozen Punt TIC, among which are some centers located within prisons centers, wanted to be part of the pilot. Through this project, encourage meetings at Punt TIC centers AlfaDigital Justice program and schools to learn to read, write and participate in the digital world, so attractive, dynamic and inclusive.
Through this initiative, connecting learning and action, working with a curriculum free and open, tested and improved by educators and encourages access to best practices. The Mozilla Clubs involve, in addition to the commitment of the global community and mentoring.
The digital facilitators and promoters involved in this project will provide a meeting point for regular participants, a place to develop digital skills and leadership of its participants so inclusive and participatory. Commitment is the mission towards universal literacy web.
A community of practice "Grow with code and Robots" program promoted by AlfaDigital and Punt TIC facilitators find digital resources, advice and support, in coordination with the global network of Clubs Mozilla.
For more information about this initiative and how to join, contact the Office of revitalization Point Network .