The download channel PortalProgramas organizes these awards with the aim to raise awareness of free software programs and blogs and make society aware of the importance of free software.
During the month of September we were able to nominate programs and blogs free software and through popular vote chose the five finalists in each category. Then, the sum of the popular vote and the opinion of an expert jury have decided the winners. Here are the results:
- Best blog of free software: DesdeLinux
- Major growth potential: Icaro Robotics
- Best free software for mobile: Geopaparazzi
- Revolutionary free software: gvSIG Desktop
- Essential for communication: WordPress
- Essential for companies: LibreOffice
In this edition of the PortalProgramas Awards the independent jury was composed of: Noel Rodriguez Freire, president of the Association for Educational LiGNUx, David Sant Orcero, PhD in Computer Science and Industrial Engineering, and David Hine Gomez, Engineer Sciences computation.