Educaweb Awards aim to recognize and promote initiatives to raise awareness of academic and professional guidance that are made and are planned in the area of Spain. They just made public the bases of the tenth edition of the awards, which this year will recognize the best projects in the categories Institutions, Professional and under 35, like other years, and a new one: that rewards guidance initiatives developed by companies.
There can participate counselors, teachers, tutors, insertors labor, equipment educational psychology, educational and training institutions, organizations, governments, associations, businesses and, in general, any natural or legal person linked to academic or professional guidance.
The projects presented must be original (not awarded in other contests) and developed in Spain.
Each category will have one winner. Winners will receive a diploma, an Educaweb medal and the publication and dissemination of the project, as well as other specific prizes depending on the category:
- Institutions. The winning organization will enjoy Educaweb online services valued at 10,000 €.
- Professionals. The winner or winnerswill receive 1500 euros in cash and online Educaweb services valued at 1,500 euros.
- Under 35 with no applied projects. The winner or winners will receive a training course online.
- Companies. The winning corporation will have a Educaweb online publication entirely devoted to disseminate their work in the field of academic and professional guidance.
The deadline for submitting projects is 15 July of 2017, at 24.00 h. The jury will announce its decision in the last quarter of 2017.