The aim of the proposal was to discover linguistic resources in the catalan language such as, for example, web pages and mobile applications to improve oral and written expression.

Image of the Punt Òmnia Casal Cívic Badalona Sant Roc
Image of the Punt Òmnia Casal Cívic Badalona Sant Roc. 2024. Font: Punt Òmnia Casal Cívic Badalona Sant Roc. License: All rights reserved.

The Punt Òmnia Casal Cívic Badalona Sant Roc and Lourdes Gallardo, teacher of the Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística, facilitated a joint session with the aim of making known various linguistic resources in the catalan language. The workshop sought to provide support to improve the oral expression and written expression of students at Basic 1 level of the Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística of Badalona and Sant Adrià de Besòs. In particular, the participants learned to use various resources such as, for example, the language resources website of the Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística, the tools of the Punt Òmnia Casal Cívic Badalona Sant Roc, Dic2, +5000 phrases,, Optimot and DIEC2, among others. After the good reception of the proposal, from the Punt TIC, it is planned to organize new sessions.

Interested persons can send a WhatsApp message to the telephone number 654 95 80 87 (Pascal).