Four members of Telecentre-Europe: Interface3 , COMMET , telecentre and El Teb along with the University of Dortmund , working on the development of a new curriculum for teaching training Coding and effective use of mobile devices in the education under the telecentres.
One of the stages of the project is the creation of a preparation intended for digital trainers. This training component with another person and virtual piloting is about a group of facilitators from the participating countries. The first part of the training "face-to-face" or classroom has already been done. Interface3 has been responsible for the training program and El Teb the delivery of training on m-learning. The project has been able to count on the active participation and evaluation of professional facilitators Punt TIC:
In addition, a dynamic Spanish Community Telecentre, from Catàbria also participated. All persons involved revitalizing and trainers share their experience and ideas into the curriculum so that it can be optimized. In a subsequent training will teach the first recipients of the latest project, which is young people between 16 and 29 years, with whom you want to work in order to achieve that increase their digital skills in accordance with the suggests European Framework of digital skills.
The expected outcome of CODEMOB is not just a group of people formed, but a set of materials, tested and improved by experts, to be published and made available to the group of telecentre networks around Europe to introduce and improve digital skills of citizens.
CODEMOB is funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Union.