Presentació CatLabs Girona
Presentació CatLabs Girona. Author: Oficina Tècnica de la Xarxa PuntTIC. 2017. Font: Oficina Tècnica. License: BY-NC.

This February 22 saw the third working session CatLabs program, this time to the Delegation of Girona, introduced by his deputy, Eudald Casadesús.

The presentation of the program CatLab by Ricard Faura, Head of Digital Inclusion and Training of the Government has been very well received among the thirty participants from various institutions and organizations in the province of Girona. Among them there were representatives of both coworking spaces, schools working robotics educational and vocational secondary schools, the Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona and the own Punt TIC.

Again, highlights and focuses the attention of the audience wanting to integrate the innovation system, which traditionally has been based at universities, companies and administrations (triple helix), which includes a fourth leg and wants to work with the public.

In addition, given the interventions of the audience, defines very clearly the distinction between the two branches that structure these meetings. On the one hand, the program CatLabs, government program which aims to promote medium and long-term social technology innovation, and secondly, the deployment of the network CatLab, which is what you want and promotes work in these meetings with potential agents in the territory innovators. For the development and revitalization of this network, the government has the support of the Foundation i2cat.

Among the things that concern participants is the lack of projects that make other players and, therefore, the spaces and projects through which to get to work. In this sense, CatLab provide through its website a summary of projects available for the agents polled potential areas for collaborative work. In this line at the end of the day the participants have agreed to a new meeting to create synergies and explore possible areas of cooperation, based on their own projects and the potential identified in the territory.

Those entities, organizations or governments wishing to join the Network CatLabs it may request through the form available on the website of .

On Wednesday, March 1, a new session will take place in Manresa Program CatLab with agents of innovation in the regions of Central Catalonia. Are invited diverse organizations, representatives of the four sectors of the quadruple helix universities and training centers, businesses, governments and citizens.