The Punt ICT Network is a community made up of very diverse centers with the vocation to provide digital resources, support, training, lines of work, spaces for relationships and networking to all the professionals who are part of it and, also, to bring technologies and innovation to citizens.
We have 425 active points and this year we have incorporated new ICT Points in Sant Pere Pescador , l'Hospitalet de Llobregat , la Garriga and Vinaixa . This 2022 has been marked by the return of face-to-face activities, such as the Social Internet Revitalization Day . We continued to do Xarxa Punt TIC, offering online sessions for the inclusion of women and girls in ICT, providing web resources and digital tools, learning about new initiatives throughout the Catalan territory and learning how to defend ourselves against cyber attacks.
We have also carried out 8 training actions in our Campuslab to expand the digital capabilities of the facilitators and managing entities, detect digital sexist violence and establish synergies with Col·laboratorio Catalunya , the National Youth Emancipation Network or Safe Internet .
In 2023 we will continue to work alongside you in favor of digital social innovation and the future of the TIC Network. We invite you to watch the entire video!