The Collaborative Design for Smart Pupils project has reached its final stage. Two years after its inception, the program has served to reflect on the future school model thanks to the active participation of the entire educational community: students, parents and teachers in various centers of Catalonia and France.
Smart Pupils has demonstrated, therefore, the importance of including and promoting STEM vocations as a facilitating and facilitator mechanism for developing competences such as creativity, cooperation, teamwork and student mobility. In this video you will be able to see a summary of the main achievements, recognitions and awards that have received them and their participants!
In the project, funded by the EU through the Erasmus + program, participated more than 160 students from the Ernest Lluch Institute and the Virolai School; two schools in France; the companies Social Coin, and Everis and the Generalitat of Catalonia through the Secretariat of Telecommunications, Cybersecurity and Digital Society.