Media education will be the central axis of the day 'Debunking misinformation' which will be held at the paranimf of the University of Barcelona next Monday, October 23. Don't miss it!

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Image of mobile phone. 2020. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

Next Monday, October 23, the paranimf of the University of Barcelona will host the conference 'Debunking misinformation. Learn to Check Media Literacy Summit for Educators'. The meeting, which will start at 4pm and end at 9pm, will be organized by the Associació Learn to Check, the Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya, the Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya and the Universitat de Barcelona. Disinformation, media education, artificial intelligence and digital rights will be the main themes of the day, which will feature an opening lecture by Ebonee Otoo, vice president of faculty engagement at the News Literacy Project. Then, there will be a round table on the challenges of media education in Catalonia, with Montse Jiménez, pedagogical director at Vedruna-Prats de la Carrera de Palafrugell; Àlex Hinojo, co-founder of Digital Rights; Nereida Carrillo, co-founder of the Associació Learn to Check; Nacho Guadix, responsible for Children's Education and Digital Rights at UNICEF Spain, and Laura Pinyol, councilor and coordinator of the Commission on Relations with Society, Children, Gender and Education in Communication of the Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, a training by the Associació Learn to Check and the presentation of ten experiences of teaching people. Finally, the closing will be handled by Yevhen Fedchenko, director of the Mohyla School of Journalism in Kyiv and co-founder and editor-in-chief of the fact-checking website

The day is part of the Setmana Mundial de l’Alfabetització Mediàtica a Catalunya and is aimed especially at teachers of all educational stages, journalists and communicators, and teaching and journalism students, among many others. To attend, you will need to register in advance for the event.

Interested people can sign up for the day through this online link.