Ricard Faura, Head of the Knowledge Society of the Directorate General of Telecommunications and Information Society Government of Catalonia has given welcome you to the attendees of the webinar, which focused on publicizing the lines, strategies and opportunities the program offers the Youth Guarantee in Catalonia.
After a brief presentation of the program and achievements during 2016, the Marta Massagué has highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of the program, as well as new proposals that are planned.
Attendees -through online platform Twitter, or their accounts have been involved in a debate that has focused on the types of activities that can be carried out, examples of good practice that is already ' have made and the goal we all share: that the young people of Catalonia have more employment opportunities and employability.
The session was recorded and the video is now available for all who are interested in the content of that meeting, which took place on 17 June at the headquarters of the Service of the Knowledge Society Directorate General of Telecommunications and Information Society.