Image of the XIX Fòrum contra les Violències de Gènere
Image of the XIX Fòrum contra les Violències de Gènere. 2 023.

On November 2, 3 and 4, at the Francesca Bonnemaison Space in Barcelona, the XIX Fòrum contra les Violències de Gènere will focus on feminist alliances and the defense of rights. Don't miss it!

This November, the Plataforma Unitària contra les Violències de Gènere will organize a new edition of the Fòrum contra les Violències de Gènere. The meeting will be held on November 2, 3 and 4 at the Francesca Bonnemaison Space, which is located at Carrer Sant Pere Més Baix number 7 in the city of Barcelona. This year, the XIX Fòrum contra les Violències de Gènere will focus on feminist alliances and the defense of women's rights. There will be round tables, conversations, workshops and many other proposals that will encourage moments to train, debate and share action strategies. Specifically, next Friday, November 3, from 4 to 6 p.m., a hackathon on digital sexual violence will be promoted that will energize the Digital Fems collective and that will seek to gather a group of people to create and design digital solutions that address sexual violence.

Interested persons can process their registration through this online link.

