Simona Levi
Simona Levi. 2 019.

Simona Levi is a prominent activist of European social movements in the field of the free circulation of knowledge, culture and information, digital democracy, the strategic use of digital tools for organization, communication and action collective and the fight against corruption.

Cibernarium organizes a masterclass on November 14 to reflect on democracy and citizen vigilance over the institutions through Xnet , whose activist project is part Simona Levi, who works in different fields related to Digital Rights and the democracy in network : freedom of Expression; net neutrality; privacy; the free circulation of culture, knowledge and information; Mechanisms of transparency, participation and citizen control of power and institutions; the defense of citizen journalism by the right to know, inform and be informed; the legal, technical and communicative fight against corruption; and technology understood as the practice and action in the Network for citizen empowerment, justice and social transformation.


- Case study: 15MpaRato de XNet.
- What is anonymous browsing?
- What is an anonymous and safe mailbox?
- History of the alerters
- Legislation to defend

Registration is free but prior registration is required through this link .



Carrer de Roc Boronat, 117 1st