As part of Ada Lovelace Day, twelve women technologists and two relevant initiatives were awarded at the award ceremony of the tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards.

Image of the DonaTIC Awards
Image of the DonaTIC Awards. 2024. Font: ICT Point Network. License: All rights reserved.

Last Thursday, October 10, the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia organized the awards ceremony for the tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards at La Paloma, located at Carrer del Tigre, number 27, in the city of Barcelona. The event was held as part of Ada Lovelace Day, which was commemorated last Tuesday, October 8, and which sought to recognize the relevance of the first female programmer in history. The event began with the welcome of Maria Galindo, Secretary of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, who listed that the tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards had received seventy nominations and that after ten editions, these amounted to 777, consolidating the awards as references in the recognition of the professional career and talent of women. "We have managed to make the DonaTIC Awards a badge that recognizes talent, rewards effort and exudes sisterhood", says Galindo. "Ten years ago, women were one in five workers in the technology sector. Today, we are one in three. We are on the right track, but we have a long way to go", adds Galindo.

In the same way, the Minister of Business and Labor of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Miquel Sàmper, closed the award ceremony of the tenth edition of the DonaTIC Awards by congratulating the award-winning women and recalling the importance of the DonaTIC Awards and the Plan DonaTIC "You are inspiring examples that show how your perspective, your commitment and your experience contribute to transforming and enriching the technology sector", says Sàmper. "The DonaTIC Awards are part of the DonaTIC Plan that the Department of Business and Labor deploys through the Secretariat of Digital Policies as a fundamental piece to move towards a fairer, more inclusive and more egalitarian society", adds Sàmper.

So, these were the twelve women and the two awarded initiatives:

- Entrepreneur Category: María José Martí Gil

- Entrepreneur Category: Eva García Ramos

- Professional Category: Roser Roca Tohà

- Academic/Researcher Category: Petia Radeva

- Disclosure Category: Elisabet Tremps Tor

- DonaTIC Category Revelation: Irene Unceta

- University ICT Student Category: Martina Massana Massip

- IT Professional Training Student Category: Alma Azul Colina and Amani Fadli Dokkali

- Category ICT student requalification or improvement of skills: Ana Lucía Silva Córdoba

- Doctoral ICT Student Category: Aurora Tomás Berjaga

- Business Reference Initiative Category: STEM for Girls/HP Printing and Computing Solutions

- Category Initiative Referring Entity/Institution: FemCoders /Factory Association F5

- DonaTIC Special Prize Category: Txell Granger

- DonaTIC Honorary Award Category: Anna Mercader

Also, with the collaboration of the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia, the NewSpace Strategy of Catalonia and the General Directorate of Innovation and Digital Culture, three special mentions were awarded:

- Cybersecurity Special Mention: Lidia Panosa Gutiérrez

- Aerospace Special Mention: Clàudia Soriano Guerrero

- Special Mention Digital Culture: Susana Pérez Alonso