Among the initiatives presented at Fira Gran, the 'Més Digitals' gymnasium stood out, which proposed carrying out four tests linked to cyber security, consumption, health and culture.

This 2024, Fira Gran has celebrated 25 years. On the 29th, 30th and 31st of May, at La Farga in L'Hospitalet, the twenty-fifth Salon de la Gent Gran de Catalunya was held, which featured a showcase of services, products and technologies aimed at improve the quality of life of the elderly. Among the initiatives presented at Fira Gran, the 'Més Digitals' gymnasium of the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia stood out. The activity, which is part of the Shock Plan against the Digital Divide 2024-2025 promoted by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, proposed carrying out four tests linked to four topics of interest: cyber security, consumption, health and culture "Our aim has been to familiarize the elderly with some concepts and some icons of the digital world. Through this dynamic, we also wanted to inform the participants of the launch of the 'More Digital' courses, where digital skills will be worked on and which will predictably start during this autumn", explains Joel Pujol of the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia. "They asked me a series of questions and I answered them using a tablet. The elderly must be up to date so as not to be left behind. I've made up my mind that I have to enter the world of technology", says Maria Teresa Fors, one of the visitors.

Likewise, the SF Project initiative was presented. "The project seeks to solve real problems of the elderly during the completion of their digital procedures through training. Today, moreover, we are very happy because Fira Gran celebrates twenty-five years of promoting the active and participative aging of the elderly", shares Juli Simón, director of Fira Gran. "I think I've visited all the stands and I found them very interesting and with very diverse proposals", points out Dolores Monzón, one of the visitors.