From Monday 1 July until Monday 15 July, three tutored online courses will be offered: Digital Manufacturing, Digital Wellbeing Skills and Introduction to Programming. Sign up for it!

Summer image
Summer image. 2018. Font: pexels.

Next Monday, July 1, the Xarxa Punt TIC will launch a new edition of the Summer Campus. Again, the initiative will be designed to work on digital skills, learn about new tools and discover new resources. Specifically, the online training proposals will be aimed at the people who facilitate the Xarxa Punt TIC Network and will have personalized support, constant follow-up and individualized support from the members of the Technical and Promotion Office of the Xarxa Punt TIC

First, the 'Digital Manufacturing' course will be offered, which will become a brief introduction to the world of digital manufacturing and the networking of spaces and resources. Among the contents, a local mapping of digital manufacturing tools and the creation of collaboration proposals such as the TIC Point Network stand out. Secondly, the course 'Digital well-being skills' will be offered, which will become an approach to the relationship with TRICs through digital well-being. Among the contents, a diagnosis of needs in relation to digital well-being and the key elements to address it from a comprehensive perspective stand out, as well as international and local initiatives that promote digital well-being. Thirdly, the course 'Introduction to programming and proposed activities to teach programming' will be offered, which will introduce basic and generic concepts of programming through the Scratch language. Among the contents, the didactic models for teaching programming as a playful and creative activity and platform recommendations stand out, as well as the presentation of the Code Club initiative or how to work computational thinking from creativity and critical thinking.

The three courses will last six hours and will be in asynchronous format through the virtual platform CampusLab Punt TIC. The three training proposals of the Xarxa Punt TIC Network Summer Campus will remain open from Monday 1 July until Monday 15 July. In this sense, interested people can register even if they have started until the available places are exhausted (there are a total of thirty places per training). The pace of training will be completely autonomous with the intention of favoring the participation of the maximum number of people. Each training will work on different digital skills according to DigComp 2.2. The assessment of the achievement of the training objectives will be based on participation, individual work and tutored activities. Finally, once the training has been completed, the participants will obtain several badges that certify the digital skills achieved according to the DigComp 2.2 competence framework.

Interested people can sign up for the Summer Camp through this online link .