Image from m4Social
Image from m4Social. 2 024.

On Thursday, June 20, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the Social Hub in Barcelona, m4Social and SinergiaTIC will promote a day to debate the importance of data in social entities and present success stories.

As promoters of the 'SimbiòTIC' project, m4Social and SinergiaTIC will organize next Thursday, June 20, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the day 'SimbiòTIC: where we are, how we move forward' at the Social Hub, which is located at Carrer Girona, number 34 interior, of the city of Barcelona. The meeting will focus on fostering a debate on the importance of data in social entities and presenting several successful experiences that use SinergiaCRM in their day-to-day life. During the day, the status of the 'SimbiòTIC' project will be shared with the entities that are incorporating the use of this CRM and future horizons will be discussed. The meeting will begin with a welcome by Roger Civit, director of the Table of Entities of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia, and two talks: 'Data in social entities' by Judith Membrives, responsible for Lafede's digital policies .cat, and 'SimbiòTIC: where we are, how we move forward' by Gerard Sentís, head of m4Social, and Jaume Albaigès, director of SinergiaTIC. Next, there will be a table of experiences with SinergiaCRM user entities with the participation of Margi Vilarrubia from Fundació Multiple Sclerosi Múltiple, Alba Pedrós from Fundació Marianao and Gemma Creixell from Fundació Jubert Figueras and Xavier Trabado, referent of m4Social to the Board of Directors of the Table of Entities of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia, will share the main conclusions.

Interested people can sign up through this link online .

