Image of computer
Image of computer. 2 020.

Next Thursday, April 18, from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Hub Social, the focus will be on ensuring the digital well-being of children in all areas: in schools, at home and in the community. Don't miss it!

The initiative Digital Equity of the Fundació Bofill will organize the second edition of the Festival for Digital Equity next Thursday, April 18, from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Hub Social, located at Carrer de Girona number 34 in the city of Barcelona. The event will focus on promoting educational and human digitization and guaranteeing the digital well-being of children in all areas: in schools, at home and in the community. The second edition of the Festival for Digital Equity will aim to be a networking space between the different actors of the ecosystem, where tools and resources can be shared to empower students and teachers. Initially, Begonya Gasch, general director of the Fundació El Llindar, will welcome and talk about technology as a lever for educational opportunities. Also, Héctor Gardó, director of Digital Equity at the Fundació Bofill, will welcome and talk about promoting digital well-being as an equity strategy. Then, there will be several presentations by Héctor Ruiz, director at the International Science Teaching Foundation, Sakshi Ghai, PhD in psychology at the University of Cambridge, Cliff Manning, research director at Parents' Zone, and Liliana Arroyo, general director of digital society of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Next, there will be a round table with Joan Cuevas, general director of educational innovation of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Elena Flores, clinical psychologist, Xavier Casanovas, promoter of the platform Adolescència Lliure de Mòbil, Núria Sabaté, director of the Escola Marià Fortuny de Reus, and Ismael Peña-Lopez, director of the Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya. Subsequently, several itineraries of digital equity will be dynamized with dialogues, workshops and experiences.

Interested persons can register through this link online.

