If you are dedicated to teaching and have an educational project that needs a website, the Fundació.cat will give you a free domain and hosting for one year. The Dotació.cat project is aimed at all teachers in Catalan-speaking territories who need to create web projects as part of their educational program and promote the presence of Catalan on the internet .
A world open to web programming
The Fundació.cat offers a total of 3,000 grants that teaching staff in Catalan-speaking territories can request for students in the last cycle of Primary (5th and 6th), ESO, Baccalaureate, Middle and Higher Training Cycles and special training for adults and enjoy a comprehensive learning of a web project.
This action is possible thanks to the support of DonDominio , Dinahosting and Nominalia , who offer their infrastructure, free domini.cat and web hosting for a year so that teachers and students who wish to can realize their web projects .
The requirements to apply for the grant are:
- To be a teacher in a center in the Catalan-speaking territories
- Provide an email linked to the educational system (example @xtec.cat, @edu.gva.es, etc) or to the center (we need this to validate the teaching staff)
- Ask for funding for websites for educational purposes only
- Register a newly created domain that does not affect registered trademarks
Applications can be made throughout the academic year or until the existing ones are exhausted and through this link .