Together with La Tribu and La Carbonera bookstores, we have selected some titles that revolve around screens, artificial intelligence, the world of the Internet and women technologists.

In order to make known some exciting and transformative literary proposals where new technologies are the protagonists, we recently shared some time with Marc Pons from the bookstore La Tribu , in the Sant Andreu neighborhood of Barcelona, and Laia Salvador from the bookstore La Carbonera , in the Poble Sec neighborhood of Barcelona. Below, we share with you four titles to discover these holidays.

"The first book is 'Kidnapped by the networks' by Cristina Fernández Rovira and Santiago Giraldo Luque, which talks about the consequences of overexposure to social networks in teenagers and how this is affecting their emotional, social and cognitive", affirms Pons. "The first proposal is 'The virality of evil' from Proyecto Una, which breaks many molds because it is one of the few books we find today that explains all these dynamics where we have ended up through the Internet" , explains Salvador. "The second book is 'How to talk to whales' by Tom Mustill, which explains how thanks to the technological revolution we are on the threshold of knowing how whales communicate and, therefore, being able to communicate with them and with other species" , adds Pons. "The second proposal is 'Petita i Gran' by Alba Editorial, which are illustrated albums for little people with autobiographies of women like Hedy Lamarr or Ada Lovelace", points out Salvador.