From November 8 to 17, a series of twenty-four-hour local hackathons will be held, where technological solutions to various challenges related to digital education will be created.

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Computer image. 2017. Font: Pexels. License: BY-SA.

Next November, the fifth edition of DigiEduHack will take place, an initiative of the European Union that aims to foster innovation, collaboration and creativity, as well as drive positive change in digital education and explore the latest trends and the latest technologies. In this sense, the fifth edition of DigiEduHack will take place from November 8 to 17 and will consist of the revitalization of a series of twenty-four-hour local hackathons, where the participants, from experienced educators to to students, they will come together to create technological solutions to various challenges related to digital education. This year, the main theme of the fifth edition of DigiEduHack will be 'Imagining the digital education of the future' and the nine secondary categories will be 'Access and availability', 'Learning spaces and pedagogies', 'The learning experience' , 'Individual skills', 'Organizational capacity', 'Wellbeing in digital education', 'Emerging technologies for education', 'Data-driven education' and 'Other'. So, the main theme and the nine secondary categories will structure the challenges that will have the will to understand, use and promote new technologies to redesign and improve the educational landscape, connect people and create a diverse community of people with similar, similar and common interests.

For more information, you can enter the official website of DigiEduHack.