The Summer Campus of the Xarxa Punt TIC Network offers a training course on digital well-being that will give tools, advice and resources to people who are invigorating to work around the successful topic.

"By digital well-being, we mean the point of optimal relationship between the person and technology", says Núria Lloret, facilitator of the Can Muntanyola TIC Point. The ICT Point of Can Muntanyola has been working for years on how to achieve balance in the use of new technologies, how to improve professional productivity and how to learn and adopt new habits to achieve digital well-being. "Within the program, we have designed a digital stress calculator , where users can detect the degree of connectivity", explains Lloret. As part of International Digital Wellbeing Day, which was last Friday May 3, the Can Muntanyola TIC Point has launched 'The game on digital well-being' on its Instagram profile. Until next Monday, July 15, one of the twenty-five activities proposed to address different aspects related to digital well-being will be invigorated weekly. "We found it to be a fun and encouraging proposal. 'The Digital Wellbeing Game' is a game with various tasks that contemplate and embrace the umbrella of digital well-being. One of them, for example, is 'Stop and appreciate the moment of being present'. The truth is that every time we propose an initiative there is a good response. Now, the issue is to see the results", points out Lloret.

Within this framework, the Summer Campus of the Xarxa Punt TIC Network has scheduled a training course on digital well-being skills, which will be held online and in an asynchronous format. The aim of the six-hour long training course, which can be taken between July 1 and July 15, will be to bring digital well-being closer and to give tools and resources to the facilitators of the Xarxa Punt TIC Network for work around the theme.

Interested people can sign up through this link online .