The call offers a subsidy of up to 3,000 euros structured in two elements: an Internet access solution through a broadband network and an aid for connectivity services.

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With the aim of improving the digital connectivity of companies with fewer than 50 employees, i.e. SMEs, micro-companies and self-employed people, a call for connectivity vouchers has recently been opened. Known as Programa Único Demanda Bo Pime and managed by, a public entity attached to the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service, during the coming months, it is planned to grant 11,000 connectivity vouchers to promote digitization. So, a connectivity bonus will consist of a subsidy of up to 3,000 euros structured in two elements: the first would be an Internet access solution through a broadband network and the second would be an aid for associated connectivity services. In this sense, if the company complies with the conditions established in the general bases of the recent call, it will be able to choose between the services or solutions that adapt to its needs and that are included in the catalog of the recent call : broadband Internet access, fixed IP, professional Wi-Fi, corporate mobile telephony, cloud storage and back-up: basic level, cloud storage and back-up: advanced level, and virtual switchboard. Accordingly, the amount of the grant will depend on the services chosen or the solutions chosen. In all cases, the provision period will be twelve months long.

The recent call aims to strengthen support for the digitization of SMEs, micro-enterprises and self-employed people by adding to other previous initiatives, such as the Digital Kit, which subsidizes digital solutions to improve the level of digital maturity, or the Consulting Kit, which offers bonds to hire advisory services. The recent call is fully compatible with the two previous initiatives.

Interested persons can apply for the connectivity voucher through this online link until next Monday, December 30 or until the budget allocated to the call is used up.